Hithadhoo Campus

Hithadhoo Campus provides a stimulating learning environment where students excel in various disciplines


Sharafuddin Magu, Hithadhoo, 19020, Maldives


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Meet our Students

“MNU was truly the foundation of my teaching career. The teachers who taught me provided a well-rounded experience, which I believe is essential for becoming an effective teacher. The education and guidance I received at MNU prepared me to excel in my profession and make a positive impact on the lives of my students.”

Fazna Ahmed (First Lady of the Maldives)
Bachelor of Teaching Primary, 1998

“The Maldives National University is the foundation of all the legal fields and One of the reasons why I have been able to attain scholarship opportunities and other success from the world's largest universities. Completing my degree at the Maldives National University laid a strong groundwork for my future endeavors.”

Mariyam Sunana
Bachelor of Shari'ah & Law (Honours), 2018

Student Life

Life at Hithadhoo Campus

Maldives National University Hithadhoo Campus is without a doubt one of the best educational institutions dedicated to improving higher education quality in the Maldives’ developing south. The campus originated as Rural Youth Vocational Training Centre which commenced on 25th July 1985 in an uninhabited area of Addu city with just 5 employees. During that time, the programs offered were largely limited to carpentry courses and workshops. In 1996, the Electrical Electronics program was introduced and the population of students also expanded. As a result, the management strengthened, and the Hithadhoo campus became a pioneer in expanding higher education in Addu city day by day. On January 1, 2004, the aforementioned center was renamed Maldives College of Higher Education, Hithadhoo Campus. Within a month, certificate-level programs in nursing, teaching, electrical electronics, and carpentry were established, providing students with new prospects. Today, the campus provides qualifications ranging from certificate level to master’s degrees in a variety of subjects. It also serves as an academic home for students from the Maldives’ far north. It gives us, the Hithadhoo campus team, great joy to be able to provide recognized higher education to students from all around the Maldives.

200Courses Conducted

100Short Courses

7Academic Staff

20Campus Staff