previous Intake
To meet the Maldives’ future need for skilled professionals in the area of teaching Islam & Quran. The program equips graduates with the theoretical and practical knowledge required to foster positive development and learning in the primary classroom.
General Entry
General Notes
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | CST101 Introduction to Curriculum Studies (CORE) | Introduction to Curriculum Studies | Nil | 15 Introduction to Curriculum Studies (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
EST101 Developmental Psychology (CORE) | Nil | 690 690 | |||
QUR111 Quranic Studies I (CORE) | 870 870 | ||||
ISL125 Alhukamuge Figh (CORE) | 870 870 | ||||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | EST103 Instructional Psychology (CORE) | Instructional Psychology | Nil | 15 Instructional Psychology (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
PRM111 Practicum l for Primary (CORE) | 75% (3) subjects of term one to be completed including CST101 and the subject to be taught in PRM111 | 690 690 | |||
QUR213 Quranic Studies II (CORE) | QUR111 | 870 870 | |||
ISL127 Islamee Akhlaag (CORE) | Nil | 870 870 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | ENG213 Essential English (CORE) | Essential English | Nil | 15 Essential English (CORE) (15) (15) | 870 870 |
Elective 1 (ELECTIVE) | Nil | 870 870 | |||
CST291 Teaching and Learning Quran and Tajweed (CORE) | CST101,QUR111,QUR213 | 690 690 | |||
CST121 Teaching & Learning Islam I (CORE) | Nil | 690 690 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | EST207 Assessment & Evaluation (CORE) | Assessment & Evaluation | Nil | 15 Assessment & Evaluation (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
PRM239 Practicum ll for Primary (CORE) | at least 75%(9) subjects to be completed including all subjects of year 1 and passed from PRM111. | 690 690 | |||
QUR303 Rasmuge Ilm (CORE) | QUR111,QUR213 | 870 870 | |||
ISL229 Rasoola (SAW) ge Seerath (CORE) | Nil | 870 870 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | EST301 Sociology of Education (CORE) | Sociology of Education | Nil | 15 Sociology of Education (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
EST213 Classroom Management (CORE) | Nil | 690 690 | |||
QUR301 Waquf ge Ilm (CORE) | QUR111,QUR213 | 870 870 | |||
ISL343 Islaamee Aqeedha (CORE) | Nil | 870 870 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | EST311 Introduction to special Education (CORE) | Introduction to special Education | Nil | 15 Introduction to special Education (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
PRM333 Practicum III for Primary (CORE) | at least 75%(9) subjects to be completed including all subjects of year 1 passed from PRM239. | 690 690 | |||
QUR403 Qiraa'ath ge ilm (CORE) | QUR111,QUR213 | 870 870 | |||
ISL341 Alhukamuge Figh II (CORE) | ISL125 | 870 870 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | EST411 Life Skills Education (CORE) | Life Skills Education | Nil | 15 Life Skills Education (CORE) (15) (15) | 690 690 |
EST415 Introduction to Research Methods (CORE) | Nil | 690 690 | |||
QUR401 Favaasil ge Ilm (CORE) | QUR111,QUR213 | 870 870 | |||
ISL459 Muaamalaathuge Figh (CORE) | Nil | 870 870 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 3,120 3,120 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
CORE | PRM427 Practicum IV for Primary (Internship) (CORE) | Practicum IV for Primary (Internship) | Successful completion Practicum1,2&3 | 45 Practicum IV for Primary (Internship) (CORE) (45) (45) | 2,070 2,070 |
EST413 Action Research (CORE) | EST415 | 690 690 | |||
Semester Total | 60 | 2,760 2,760 |
Type | Code | Name | Prerequisites | Credit Points | Fee (MVR) |
ELECTIVE | ART205 Art Education 1 (ELECTIVE) | Art Education 1 | Nil | 15 Art Education 1 (ELECTIVE) (15) (15) | 870 870 |
PHE201 Physical Education 1 (ELECTIVE) | Nil | 870 870 |
Course Total | 480 CP | Total: 24,600 24,600 |
Successful completion of this program will pave the path for our graduates to pursue higher education in the fields of Quran Teaching and Islamic Studies. Graduates who are interested in future study may apply to a rich postgraduate program offered at the Faculty of Education, MNU. Master’s degrees include research courses and projects supervised experts in the field of study along with rich content courses, which prepares students for higher degrees by research.