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“The Maldives National University is the foundation of all the legal fields and One of the reasons why I have been able to attain scholarship opportunities and other success from the world's largest universities. Completing my degree at the Maldives National University laid a strong groundwork for my future endeavors.”
“Hello, I’m an international student from Australia here at the past semster at the Maldives National University. I've been studying Bachelor of Arts in Policital Science and International Relations. My time at the Maldives National University and the Maldives in general has allowed me to grow academically and also personally. I've had the opportunity to make life long friends and experience so many different things.”
Life at MNU
Life at Maldives National University (MNU) offers a unique and enriching experience for students. Situated in the picturesque Maldives, the university provides a vibrant and diverse environment that blends academic pursuits with cultural immersion. Here are some aspects of life at MNU: - Beautiful Campus - Academic Excellence - Multicultural Environment - Engaging Student Life - Research Opportunities - Career Support - Cultural Exploration
3000+Current students
22%Population of the Maldives
77,000Graduated from all over Maldives