Proficiency in Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (PRFPNW)


60 Hours
Available Modes (Full-Time)


Proficiency in Ratings Forming a Part of a Navigational Watch (PRFPNW) is a 60-hour course and meets the requirements of STCW Regulation II/4, STCW code section A-II/4 and Table A-II/4. PRFPNW is a qualified rating designed to fulfill the requirements of STCW regulation II/4 of the STCW Convention in the deck department of an ocean-going vessel. For all sea-going vessels of 500 GT or more, RFPNW is to be duly certified to perform the duties of a navigational watch at the support level. An RFPNW contributes to a safe navigational watch and has the knowledge, understanding, proficiency, and ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch in matters relevant to watch-keeping duties; procedures for the relief, maintenance, and handover of a watch; and information required to maintain a safe watch. Learning outcomes On successful completion of the course, learners will acquire the knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in 1. The use of magnetic and gyro-compasses 2. Helm orders 3. Changing over from automatic pilot to hand steering and vice versa 4. The responsibilities of a look-out, including reporting the approximate bearing of a sound signal, light, or other object in degrees or points 5. Shipboard terms and definitions 6. The use of appropriate internal communication and alarm systems 7. The ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch on matters relevant to watchkeeping duties 8. The procedures for the relief, maintenance, and handover of a watch 9. The information required to maintain a safe watch 10. Basic environmental protection procedures 11. The knowledge of emergency duties and alarm signals 12. The knowledge of pyrotechnic distress signals; satellite EPIRBs and SARTs 13. Avoidance of false distress alerts and action to be taken in the event of accidental activation Entry criteria 1. Be not less than 16 years of age AND Have completed: 2. Approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience OR 3. Special training, either pre-sea or on-board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than two months


• Crew on board merchant ships, cruise ships, and super yachts