Security Awareness Training For Port Facility Personnel With Designated Security Duties


10 Hours
Available Modes (Full-Time)


This course is intended to provide the knowledge required for port facility personnel with designated security duties, such as guards, access control officers, training officers and relevant port facility managers, in connection with a port facility security plan (PFSP) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS, chapter XI-2, ISPS Code, the IMDG Code, the IMO/ILO Code of Practice on Security in Ports, and the guidance contained in IMO MSC.1/Circ.1341. ENTRY CRITERIA It is assumed that those attending this course will be persons - employed (or to be employed) by a port facility operator; and - likely to be assigned specific security duties in connection with the PFSP. Trainees should have: • at least a basic knowledge of port operations and of maritime terminology in English as appropriate; • key understanding of the operational environment affecting their security service; and • familiarity with basic security general concepts and communication systems.


Security personnel in Port Facilities